Case Study:
Maryland SPCA

Test: What Motivates Animal Lovers?

When the Maryland SPCA needed to increase its revenue, it turned to Huntsinger & Jeffer for help. Drawing on our years of experience with animal causes, and our creative team’s considerable talents, we developed several new donor appeals that outperformed their current mailings.

One example was the Hungry Pets donor appeal. This package, which focused on the MD SPCA’s Kibble Connection pet food pantry, had been consistently successful. In 2023, for example, the package generated over $50,000 in gross revenue with an 8% response rate. These were exciting numbers, but, in our constant quest for improvement, our team created a test package to see if we could outperform our own record-breaking package. Here’s what happened:

The successful package described several of the organization’s key services and encouraged donors to send a gift to support these initiatives. The copy described how the SPCA feeds hungry pets, offers assistance to struggling pet owners, keeps more pets in their homes, and provides other help wherever it’s needed most. It included full-color photos of hungry pets with empty food bowls on the outer envelope and a compelling Kibble Connection photo collage with an urgent call-to-action on the back of the letter.

For the test, we wanted to heighten the emotion and immediacy of the ask without compromising the package’s existing strengths. So, we made no changes to the outer envelope since the package clearly already had a good open rate. Inside, however, we made significant revisions in both messaging and design. Instead of speaking in broad terms about pets, people, adoptions and meeting the shelter’s general needs, we narrowed the focus to tell the much more emotional story of a single animal in crisis.

We wrote about Kissy, a dog who had come to the SPCA fearful, badly undernourished, and clearly mistreated. Then we took readers behind the scenes and showed our medical team at work, painstakingly nursing Kissy back to health. Finally, instead of bright optimistic color photos on the collage, we used stark black-and-white images designed to evoke pathos and urgency.

To say the test beat the control is an understatement. It had a response rate of 10.19% compared to an 8% response rate previously, an increase of 27%! Thus, the results of this test give a clear and unmitigated reply to the question, “What motivates animal lovers?” The answer is telling them a compelling, narrowly focused animal story with an urgent call to action.

Once again, we saw that powerful storytelling which empowers donors and prospects to “create the change they want to see in the world,” is the motivating strategy that drives both higher response rates and more generous giving.

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